Once you have allowed yourself the time and space to feel your feelings, it’s time to shift them. There are so many great ways to release negativity. Here are a few:

Movement: Dance, run, yoga, lift – whatever form of exercise you like, when I move our bodies it can help us release the feelings I identified. Even just standing up and stretching for 30 seconds can help. Shake it out!

Meditation: Guided meditations, repeating mantras, prayer, sitting quietly asking for peace – there are many ways to meditate so find what works for you.

Music and Art: Music is one of the fastest ways to shift. Find some upbeat songs and let the positive message give you hope. Sing a song. Draw or paint or sculpt if you like. Using your creativity can shift you out of anxiety.

Nature: Many people find time in nature to be healing. Whether it’s a walk in the woods, taking a swim, digging in the earth or looking at flowers (or even pictures of nature.) If you have a pet, then time with your cat or dog (or other) can be a great way to shift your feelings.

Positive Memories: Think back to positive experiences you’ve had. What are wonderful times you’ve had in your life? What are other times you’ve overcome anxiety? Reflect back on times that things turned out better than you expected.

Energetic Release: Have you walked into a room and felt upbeat – or down? Most people are sensitive to the energy in other people and in places, even if they aren’t conscious of it. There are a variety of ways to easily shift your energy.

  • Imagine stepping into a shower of white or golden light and having it wash away all negative feelings
  • Choose a color and imagine surrounding yourself with that color. Some people like to imagine a huge swimming pool of light.
  • Set the intention to clear out negative energy. Then use your hands to brush it away. Refill yourself with white light.

Eleanor found walks in nature to be very soothing: Eleanor found her job to be quite stressful. As part of our work together, I sought ways for her to rejuvenate herself- to “fill her own cup.” Eleanor found walks in nature to be very soothing. She committed to carving out time for daily walks. Within a week, Eleanor found her anxiety was greatly reduced. She even started a new hobby of bird identification!

What action will you take to shift your anxiety?